CD Replication and the future

The process of CD replication is conducted in special replication firms by experienced technicians. Thus each replicated CD is uniquely processed for you and the end result is more durability of CDs.

There are generally two types of printings for CD replications; offset printing and screen printing. The feature that makes replicated CDs unique is the number of information layers a replicated CD can have.

Owing to the various processes involved in CD replication the entire process is automated. CD Replication is the manufacturing process that essentially replicates or carbon copies your original master. In replication, a glass master is created which stamps data onto the DVDs while in duplication process, the data is burned on recordable CDs surfaces. These replicated CDs will have the same touch and finish as the original. This ensures that you get the highest quality at the lowest of prices.

As CD Replication is continuing to dominate the market, a lot of innovative and efficient techniques have been developed in the CD replication field. If you want to store a large amount of data or huge number of files on a CD, you might not able to do it due to space limitation of CD but dual layer CD replication allows you to do that.

There is a new advancement in HD-CD replication which is known as FlexDVD. This is an ultra thin disc, only 0.6 mm in thickness. It is quite flexible as can be bent without any damage to the disc. It is half as thick as a regular DVD and also is resistant to breaking and cracking, so FlexDVD can easily be used in direct mail or as a cover mount on a magazine or manual.

No doubt, these newly evolving CD and DVD Replication techniques are the future of the data conversion market.

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